
中德图书馆员进修比较探究 被引量:1

A Comparative Study on the Advanced Vocational Studies of Chinese and German Librarians
摘要 文章通过梳理德国图书馆员进修的发展状况并与我国高校图书馆员进修现状作比较,构建出图书馆员进修体系的同时把成人教育理论引入其中,为进一步完善我国图书馆员进修制度提供借鉴。 This paper outlines what German librarians have done for the advanced studies and makes a comparison with the advanced studies for the Chinese librarians in order to build up the system of advanced studies.Furthermore,adult education is introduced.Also,I suggest that we should draw on their experience to better our work in the field of the advanced studies for the Chinese librarians.
作者 刘美
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期17-21,共5页 Research on Library Science
关键词 图书馆员进修 进修体系 成人教育 advanced studies the system of advanced studies adult education
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