
汕头市部分人群对公共场所全面禁烟的态度及其影响因素分析 被引量:5

Attitude of some population in Shantou City towards smoking bans in public places and associating factors
摘要 目的研究汕头市人群烟草危害认知情况,探讨公共场所全面禁烟的态度及影响因素,为汕头市制定控烟政策提供证据。方法采用目的抽样,从汕头市2个较大型汽车客运中心拦截500名候车乘客,利用统一问卷调查其人口学基本特征、吸烟与否、烟草危害认知、禁烟知晓及公共场所禁烟态度等。采用多因素二分类logistic回归分析影响调查对象对公共场所全面禁烟态度的因素。结果共调查502名候车乘客,男性占81.9%(411/502),女性占18.1%(91/502);年龄≤30岁为主,占60.6%(304/502)。88.5%(431/487)的调查对象认为吸烟对健康没有好处,73.2%(357/488)的对象知道吸烟会导致肺癌,认为吸烟会导致冠心病(19.5%,95/488)和中风(6.6%,32/488)的比例较低。69.0%(339/491)的对象认为吸二手烟会导致肺癌,而仅有22.4%(110/491)认为吸二手烟会导致冠心病。96.6%(475/502)的调查对象赞成在公共场所全面禁烟。仅有6.9%(31/447)完全知道法定的禁烟公共场所。48.7%(242/497)的调查对象认为立法可以有效地在公共场所全面禁烟,46.9%(233/497)选择了高罚款,39.8%(198/497)选择烟草危害宣传,29.2%(145/497)选择免费提供戒烟产品,26.2%(130/497)选择禁止烟草广告,18.9%(94/497)选择提高烟价。多因素回归分析表明,文化程度(OR=12.283)、吸烟危害认知(OR=5.267)、禁烟知晓(OR=0.357)是支持公共场所全面禁烟态度的影响因素。结论汕头市受调查人群公共场所全面禁烟支持率较高。文化程度、吸烟危害认知和禁烟知晓是影响公共场所全面禁烟态度的重要因素。应积极修订禁烟条例,加强烟草危害宣传,提供戒烟帮助,并据此出台能被广泛接受的有效控烟政策。 Objective To identify knowledge about adverse health effects of tobacco and to exam- ine the support for smoke-free policy in Shantou. Methods Waiting passengers in large-scale bus termi- nals were selected by purposive sampling method. Face-to-face questionnaire survey were conducted to ex- amine demographic information, cigarette smoking habit, knowledge about adverse health effects of smok- ing, awareness of smoking bans and support for smoke-free policy. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with the attitude towards smoking bans in public places. Results A total of 502 waiting passengers were surveyed. Among them, 81.9% (411/502) were male and 18. 1% (91/502) were female. 60.6% (304/502)were under 30 years old. 88.5% (431/487)knew that smoking was harmful to health. The proportion of respondents who knew that smoking could cause lung cancer was 73.2% (357/488), much higher than that of coronary heart disease ( 19. 5%, 95/488) and stroke (6. 6%, 32/488), respectively. 69. 0% (339/491) knew that secondhand smoke could cause lung cancer, while 22.4% ( 110/491 ) knew about coronary heart disease. 96. 6% (475/502) of the respond- ents agreed with the smoke bans in pubic places. However, only 6. 9% (31/447) knew about the policy for smoke-free places. 48.7% (242/497) believed that legislation could effectively ban smoking in public places. 46. 9% (233/497) selected severe fines and 39. 8% (198/497)selected tobacco harm education. 29. 2% (145/497) approved of providing free quit-smoking products. 26. 2% (130/497) selected bans on tobacco advertising and 18. 9% (94/497) selected raising taxes on tobacco. Multivariate logistic regres- sion analysis showed that education ( OR = 12. 283 ) , knowledge about health hazards of smoking ( OR = 5. 267 ) and awareness of smoking bans ( OR = 0. 357 ) were associated with support for on smoking bans in pubic places. Conclusion Respondents in Shantou were strongly supportive of smoking bans in public places. Support for smoke-free public settings is associated with education, knowledge about health hazards of smoking and awareness of smoking bans. Policy makers should proactively utilize this unique feature to implement effective and potentially well-accepted smoking ban program in Shantou.
出处 《华南预防医学》 2013年第2期22-27,共6页 South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 公共场所 禁烟 二手烟 知识 Public places Smoking bans Secondhand smoking Knowledge
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