

On the Target of the Right of Self-defense in the Age of Counter-terrorism
摘要 以往自卫权的行使对象主要是国家,随着时代的发展,对非国家实体———特别是对恐怖主义组织———能否行使自卫权,逐渐受到关注并产生争议。在当前情势下,将自卫权的对象仅限于国家不足以应对国家安全受到的重大且急迫的威胁,有必要认可国家针对恐怖主义组织行使自卫权。 In the past the target of the right of self-defense mainly focuses on the countries. With the development of the limes, whether non- state entities can be the targets of self- defense has been under concern and in dispute, especially for terroristic organization. In the current situation, it is necessary to acknowledge the right of national self- defense against terroristic organization because only countries as the objects of self- defense fight is ineflleient to cope with a major and urgent threat to national security.
作者 陈荣炜
出处 《广东石油化工学院学报》 2013年第2期79-82,共4页 Journal of Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
关键词 自卫权 恐怖主义 武力攻击 the fight of self-defense terrorism armed attack
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  • 1丁成辉.对国际法上“自卫权”的探讨一兼评美国发动伊拉克战争的“自卫”理由[J].法制与社会发展,l003(4):46-53.
  • 2周洪钧,丁成辉,司平平.国际公约与惯例[M].法律出版社,1998,1(1):15.
  • 3Nicaragua case. IGJ Reports[ R], 1986: 99 - 110.
  • 4Stanimir A. Alexandrov, Self- Defense against the Use of F ofce in International Law[ M ]. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 1996.
  • 5庄礼伟.后冷战时代的失败国家课题[J].东南亚研究,2003(1):51-55. 被引量:12
  • 6余民才.自卫权适用的法律问题[J].法学家,2003(3):145-155. 被引量:20
  • 7Dissenting Opinion of Israeli Wall Opinion. Ic/CJ Reports[ R], 2004:35- 43.


  • 1See Staninir A. Alexandrov, Self-Defense against the Use of Force in International Law, P. 100.
  • 2Oscar Schachter, International Law in Theory-and Practice, P. 151. 1991.
  • 3See Case concerming Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Paras.194, 195, June 27, 1986.
  • 4See Ian Blownlie, International Law and the Use of Force by States, P. 367.
  • 5See Tnnothy L. H. Mcconnack, Self-Defense in International Law: the Israelli Raid on the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor, PP. 126---127, 1996.
  • 6See Myres S. Mcdougal, The Soviet-Cuban Quarantine and Self-Defense, 57 AJIL 601 (1963).
  • 7See the Nicaragua Case, Para. 176.
  • 8See Timothy L. H. Mcconmack, Self-Defense in International Law, PP. 254, 256, 258, 259.
  • 9See the Nicaragua Case, Para. 194.
  • 10See Stanimir A. Alerander, Self-Defene against the Use of Force in International Law, P. 163.









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