
作为人类共同继承财产的频谱和轨道资源 被引量:3

Study of the Spectrum-Orbit Resources as Common Heritage of Mankind
摘要 无线电频谱和卫星轨道资源是有限的自然资源,在国际层面通过国际电信联盟的国际合作管理机制在成员国间进行分配,其依据是世界无线电通信大会上各国共同制定的《无线电规则》。各国对无线电频谱和卫星轨道资源的权利是具有一定优先权的使用权,这类资源具有国家不得对其主张主权或据为己有、通过国际合作共同管理、各国人民公平地分享资源、为和平目的使用的特征,是人类共同继承财产。空间商业化趋势带来的卫星及其所用频率和轨道位置跨国转让的问题,呼吁资源分配的国际机制的改革,以实现资源利用效率最大化和各国资源需求的平衡。 The radio spectrum and satellite orbits are limited natural resources. They are distributed by the International Telecommunication Union through an international cooperation management system on the international level. The basis for resources distribution is the Radio Regulations adopted by different countries at the World Radio-communication Conference. A country's right in spectrum and orbit resources are a kind of right to use with preference. The resources are the common heritage of mankind that has five elements: non-claim of sovereignty, non-appropriation, common management, benefits-sharing among nations and use for peaceful purpose. The commercialization in space activities triggers the potential transfer of the satellite and its frequency and orbit slot. This calls for the reform of the international mechanism for resources distribution so as to balance the efficient use and the need of resources among countries.
作者 夏春利
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第2期103-107,116,共6页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费2011年重大项目资助"频谱资源管理问题研究"(YWF-11-02-054)
关键词 人类共同继承财产 频谱 卫星轨道 空间商业化 无线电规则 common heritage of mankind spectrum satellite orbit commercialization of space radio regulations
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