
胸阻抗法测量心脏指数和射血分数的临床研究 被引量:1

Clinical investigation of measurement of cardiac index and ejection fraction index by means of thoracic impendance method
摘要 目的评价胸阻抗法测量心脏指数和左心射血分数两项指标的准确性及临床应用价值。方法65位成人非瓣膜病患者,同时用彩色超声和胸阻抗法测量左心射血分数(EF)值; 6位非胸部手术后的危重病患者,在用 Swan- Ganz导管测量心脏指数的同时,用胸阻抗法测量心脏指数,每位患者取10对数据。结果胸阻抗法测量的左心EF值为57.4±5.9%,彩色超声同时测量的EF值为63.5±8.8%,t检验两种方法测量的结果无统计差异(P>0.05),两种测量方法的结果无相关性( r= 0.04); Swan- Ganz导管与胸阻抗法的对照结果说明,两种测量方法的结果有较好的相关性(1例r= 0.693,其余5例r≥0.800),平均相关性r=0.856。结论胸阻抗法测量左心射血分数的结果不适合用作临床指标;胸阻抗法可用于连续监测患者的心脏指数。建议这种监测是在胸阻抗不受其它因素明显影响的情况下进行,如:机械通气的条件改变或大量补液等。 Objective To evaluate the accuracy and clinical use of cardiac index and ejection fraction derived horn transthoraccic electrical bioimpedance (TEB). Methods Sixty - five adult non - valvular disease patients were examined with TEB and color doppler simultaneously, coupled EF values derived from each method were compared ;6 non - chest - operation patients were examined with TEB and Swan - Ganz for cardiac index(CI), 10 couples of Cls were derived from each patient. Results The left ventricular EF derived from TEB and ultrasonic methods were 57. 4 ± 5. 9% and 63. 5± 8. 8% respectively, the results were poor related, r = 0 .04. Cis derived from Swan - Ganz catheters and TEB are closely related r = 0. 856. Conclusions The hioimpedance method was not suitable for examination of EF, but this method can be used to monitor the cardiac performace continuously and the results can accurately respctively changes of patient's circulations.
出处 《中国急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期204-206,共3页 Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine
关键词 胸阻抗 血流动力学 心脏指数 射血分数 Bioimpedance Hemodynamics Cardiac output Streaks volume
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