目的探讨血浆蛋白酶体测定在肝细胞癌(HCC)诊断中的意义。方法血浆中20s蛋白酶体的水平采用ELISA试剂盒检测。结合血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)的测定结果,比较蛋白酶体水平在HCC确诊患者、非肿瘤肝病患者和健康人群之间的差异,并评价其在HCC诊断中的敏感性和特异性。结果 HCC患者的血浆蛋白酶体水平显著高于非HCC患者(158.4±59.1vs 23.0±18.9,P<0.01)。与血清AFP测定的结果相比,血浆蛋白酶体的敏感性(100%)显著提高,但特异性(58.1%)显著降低。然而,适当上调截止值后的敏感性和特异性均优于血清AFP。结论血浆蛋白酶体检测可作为HCC实验室诊断的敏感手段之一。
Objective To study on the significance of plasma proteasome level in the diagnosis of hepatoceIlular car- cinoma (HCC). Melhods Plasma 20s proteasome was quantified using commercial ELISA kits. Compared with serum a-fetoprotein (AFP),the differences in its level among patients with HCC, patients with non-HCC liver diseases and health individuals as well as its sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of HCC were discussed. Results The plasma proteasome level in patients with HCC was significantly higher than that in patients with non-HCC liver diseases(158. 4=i=59.1 vs 23.0!18.9,P^0.01). Compared with serum AFP,the sensitivity (100%) of plasma proteasome was sig- nificantly higher,but the specificity (67.0%) was relatively lower. However, after the cutoff value was appropriately raised,both sensitivity and specificity were much better than those of serum AFP. Conclusion The plasma proteasome level might be one of the most sensitive indicators for the laboratory diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis