
直线发动/发电机启动性能仿真研究 被引量:6

Simulation on Starting Performance of a Linear Engine/Generator
摘要 对一台直线发动/发电机的启动过程进行了研究,提出了基于速度信号的启动力方向控制模式,并通过Matlab/Simulink动力学仿真研究了该模式下系统的运行特性及启动性能.结果表明,启动力的精确换向是直线发动/发电机启动控制的关键;在基于速度信号的启动力方向控制模式下,系统的能量损耗较小,经优化的系统启动力约为135N;运动组件在启动过程中作频率、幅值逐渐增大的直线往复运动. Driving force direction control strategy based on velocity signal for a linear engine/generator system was proposed and the starting performance of this system was studied with Matlab/Simulink software. Results show that the driving force direction needs to be precisely controlled for a successful start. With the control strategy based on velocity signal, system power loss is little and the driving force is optimized at 135 N or so. Furthermore, the working frequency and distance of the moving part increases gradually for a few starting cycles until it reaches a steady state condition.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期596-599,613,共5页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(51006075) 上海市科委项目(061612075 08dz1207700)
关键词 直线发动 发电机 启动 启动力方向 速度信号 linear Engine/Generator starting driving force directiom velocity signal
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