目的了解深圳市居民主要食品的铝的膳食暴露水平,评估深圳市居民铝膳食暴露的安全性。方法 2009-2011年对深圳市9类主要食品的铝含量进行抽样调查,应用深圳市2008年的膳食营养状况调查数据进行铝的膳食暴露评估。结果深圳居民膳食铝摄入量P50为3.20 mg/d,占暂定每周可耐受量(PTWI)的38.48%,居民铝摄入量P95为8.76 mg/d,占PTWI的99.53%,居民铝摄入量P97.5为9.92 mg/d,(PTWI)的122.40%,P97.5的膳食铝来源前3位的食物种类依次是蔬菜7.10 mg(47.65%)、发酵型面点4.63mg(31.07%)和豆类0.99 mg(6.64%)。结论深圳居民膳食铝的摄入量的P95是安全的,而P97.5超过PTWI的推荐标准。减少含铝膨松剂的使用是控制铝膳食摄入的主要途径。
Objective To evaluate the safety of dietary Aluminium used among residents in Shenzhen. Methods Nine kinds of main foods were collected from 2009 to 2011 in Shenzhen, and measurement of Aluminium con- tent was based on sampling investigation. Data of dietary and nutritional survey of residents in Shenzhen in 2008 was used to assess the exposure status of Aluminium. Results The median dietary intake (Ps0) of Alu- minium was 3.20 mg per day, which accounted for 38.48% of provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). The P95 dietary intake of Aluminium was 8.76 mg per day, which accounted for 99. 53% of PTWI. The P97.5 dietary intake of Aluminium was 9.92 mg per day, which accounted for 122. 40% of PTWI. Vegetables (7. 10 mg), ferment pastry (4. 63 mg) and beans (0. 99 mg) were the three top sources of dietary intake (P97.5) of Aluminium. Conclusion Dietary intake (P95) of Aluminium among residents in Shenzhen was safe; however, the P97.5 dietary intake of Aluminium exceeded the PTWI. To reduce usage of leavening agent is the main way to control dietary intake of Aluminium.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
dietary aluminium
exposure distribution assessment
food safety