目的研究我国目前艾滋病领域科技成果分布,为艾滋病信息资源共享体系遴选科学数据提供可靠线索。方法检索万方科技成果库以及国家科技成果网中1983-2010年艾滋病领域的科技成果,对科技成果进行描述性统计分析和可视化分析。结果共检索到艾滋病科技成果数共1 051项,第1项为1987年,科技成果主要集中2000-2010年(94.4%),2000年后年平均增长率为20.1%;机构分布显示高等院校科技成果数最多(39%),成果数排在前3位的是复旦大学、武汉大学和北京大学,分别为22、21和18项;其次为疾病预防控制中心(或红十字血液中心)及医院,各占16%;对获得成果数4项及以上的项目负责人进行合作网络分析发现,合作网络呈小规模聚集状,以贾曼红、杨莉、李敬云、刘丽花为核心负责人;获5项及以上科技成果数的项目负责人共12位,分别为刘丽花、贾曼红、廖菁、陆林、赵宏儒、周红、党静、李保军、刘晓松、马渝根、任修勤、王莹莹,聚集在河北、云南、四川这3个省。高频词分布分析显示,1987-2000年艾滋病研究主要集中在预防控制和诊断试剂盒的开发领域;2001-2005年期间艾滋病相关药物研究为热点,而2006-2010年艾滋病相关的感染性疾病和艾滋病干预方面科技成果丰硕。结论艾滋病领域研究成果数量在逐年增加,研究范围在不断扩大,主要集中在公共卫生、临床医学以及基础医学,研究内容的结构在不断改变,但是未形成全国性的研究合作网络。
Objective To investigate the distribution of scientific AIDS and provide reliable clues for the screening of scientific and technological achievements in the fields of sharing datasets. Methods The scientific and technological achievements for the AIDS areas included in Wanfang database and Network of National Scientific and Technological Achievements during the period of 1983 -2010 were searched and analyzed with methods of statistical description and visualization. Results A total of 1 051 achievements were acquired, mainly distribu-ted in 2000-2010 (94.4%), with an average annual growth rate of 20. 1%. The greatest portion of achievements were made by colleges and universities (39%), followed by centers for disease prevention and control (or Red Cross Blood Center) and hospitals (16% respectively). Research on AIDS prevention and control and the development of diagnostic kits dominated in 1987 -2000; research on AIDS drugs was dominantin 2001 -2005; research on HIV related infections disease and behavioral intervention accounted for the grea- test portion during 2006 - 2010. Conclusion The quantity of the scientific and technological achievements is increasing yearly. The scope of the study is mainly expanding in the fields of public health, clinical and basic medicine, with a constantly changing structure of the content. Meanwhile, a nationwide collaboration network has not been founded.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
scientific and technological achievement
year distribution
organization distribution
- frequency word