Objective To analyze the comparability of detecting results of serum enzyme by different detection systems in different hospitals. Methods According the reference standard in NCCLS EP9-A2, the system consisted Hitachi 7080 biochemical analyzer, Roche reagents, Cfas calibrator and quality control materials was the target de- tection system. The other one to three detection systems in the two hospitals were the experimental system. The lev- els of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and gam- ma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) were detected. The relative deviation (SE %) between laboratory method (Y) and comparison method (X) was used to judge the comparability of different detection systems. When the bias was not acceptable, a fresh mixed serum was assayed, and the result was adopted as temporary calibrator of the detection system. Results In addition to the bias of C-GT result of detection system 2 was too great, and the result was unac- ceptable. The results of the other detection system were acceptable. After the temporary calibrator using, the bias was significantly decreased and acceptable in system 2. Conclusion The same samples detected by different detection systems in different hospitals should be performed in method comparison and bias evaluation to conduct clinical ac- ceptability. The deassign using fresh mixed serum can ensure the comparability of different systems.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
detection system
serum enzyme detection
method comparison
bias evaluation