
机场沥青混凝土跑道局部损坏安全风险分析 被引量:2

Research on safety risk of aerodrome asphalt concrete runway local damages
摘要 对机场沥青混凝土跑道各种损坏的安全风险进行了系统研究,建立了风险度R的计算模型和方法。在大量现场对比与关联分析基础上,给出了破损安全风险定级的标度(A、B、C、D)和相应的破损处置措施(停航抢修、航间抢修、航后维修和计划维修)。通过应用算例说明了方法的实用性。 Through the systematic research of all kinds of the airport asphalt concrete runway damages, the model and methodology are established to calculate the safety risk index. Based on a great quantity of field comparison and correlation analysis,the safety risk rating scales (A, B, C, D) and the corresponding measures (suspended repair, repair between flights, post-flight maintenance, scheduled maintenance) are put forward. Finally, the application demonstrates the effectiveness of the methodology.
作者 王维 温俊
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2013年第2期46-50,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
关键词 机场 沥青混凝土跑道 损坏 安全风险 aerodrome asphalt concrete runway damage safety risk
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