
公平与质量,不可兼得吗?——芬兰全纳教育的启示 被引量:9

Equal Importance Attached to Equality and Quality——Implications from Inclusive Education in Finland
摘要 实施全纳教育已经成为全球教育未来的发展趋势,而兼顾教育公平与质量是实施全纳教育过程中面临的巨大挑战。芬兰全纳教育的成功显示:同时实现公平与质量这两个目标是可能的。本文探究了芬兰全纳教育的发展历程与运行机制,提出芬兰全纳教育的成功依靠三方面因素:渐进的改革方式;完备的教育服务体系;高度分权的教育管理模式。 The practice of inclusive education has become a future trend of global education, but it faces a substantial challenge, for it needs to attach equal importance to both equality and quality. Finland's successful inclusive education demonstrates that it is possible to achieve both of the goals. This article explores the developments and operating mechanism of inclusive education in Finland, and argues that the success of inclusive educa- tion in Finland is attributed to progressive reforms, a complete system of educational services, and a highly decentralized mode of educational management.
作者 景时 邓猛
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期66-71,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 全纳教育 芬兰 公平 质量 inclusive education Finland equality quality
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