
美国高校服务-学习:审视与反思 被引量:12

Service-learning in American Colleges and Universities:Investigation and Reflection
摘要 服务-学习于20世纪下半叶作为一种教育理念与教学方法在美国兴起,并在实践领域不断拓展的基础上走向深入。发展至今,服务-学习观念不仅在美国早已深入人心,成为美国高等教育的重要形式,而且对欧美、亚非等国家的高等教育也产生了巨大影响。通过对美国高校服务-学习概念、内涵、特质及兴起缘由的深度审视,并对其发展中存在的问题加以反思,不仅有助于服务-学习本身的发展,而且有益于世界高等教育的发展。 Service-learning has grown up as an educational concept and teaching method in America in late 20th century, and gone into mature with its broad development in practice. Nowadays, the concept of service- learning has not only been an important type of American higher education with its more and more popularity, but has great impact on higher education in other countries, such as some countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. So, it is good for the development of service-learning in American higher education itself, also growth of higher education all over the world to make deep analysis on the concept, connotation, characters of service-learning in American colleges and universities, and have thorough reflection on the problems existing in its development.
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期43-49,共7页 China Higher Education Research
基金 山东省普通高校人文社会科学研究基地济南大学高等教育研究中心资助项目(项目编号:2012003602)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 美国高校 服务-学习 反思 American colleges and universities service-learning reflection
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