
基于DEA的二阶段网络系统的固定成本分摊方法 被引量:6

Fixed Cost Allocation of Two-stage Network Systems Based on DEA
摘要 结合DEA和博弈的思想研究二阶段网络系统的固定成本分摊问题,将分摊成本作为新的投入,可以证明存在某种分摊使DMU整体效率达到最优,在此基础上考虑各个DMU之间以及DMU内部之间的博弈,首先建立讨价还价乘积最大化模型,求出各DMU唯一的分摊解,然后建立DMU子系统之间的讨价还价模型,给出子系统的分摊解,最终的分摊方案满足系统效率和子系统效率为1,与现有的方法相比具有一定的优势. This paper combined DEA with the game theory to research the fixed cost allocation of two-stage network systems. It is proven that, if the allocated costs can be treated as an additional input,there are some cost allocation plans which satisfy that the efficiency of the overall DMUs is optimal. Then, we considered the game among the DMUs and the game between the two subsystems of each DMU. Firstly, a bargain multiplied maximize model was proposed. Secondly, we presented the bargain game model between the two subsystems and gave the sharing solution. Finally,the numerical example shows that the method is effective, which expands the application of DEA.
出处 《经济数学》 2013年第1期33-36,共4页 Journal of Quantitative Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11271367)
关键词 数据包络分析 成本分摊 效率 讨价还价 DEA cost allocation efficiency bargain
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