
全麻气管插管患者复苏期T管吸氧的效果评价 被引量:3

Effect evaluation of T style oxygen tube for intubated patients with general anesthesia in recovery period
摘要 目的评价全麻气管插管患者复苏期应用T管和面罩吸氧的效果。方法选择56例全麻气管插管术后自主呼吸恢复的患者,按手术顺序分成观察组和对照组各28例。观察组采用T管吸氧,对照组采用面罩吸氧,氧流量均采用6L/min,以Drager监测仪持续监测患者吸入氧浓度、吸入二氧化碳浓度、呼出氧浓度、呼出二氧化碳浓度、脉搏氧饱和度、呼吸频率,分别在吸氧后5min、10min和15min记录各监测值。采用DM3000型血气分析仪测定吸氧后10min的血气值。结果复苏期三个不同时间段,观察组的吸入氧浓度、呼出氧浓度明显高于对照组,吸入二氧化碳浓度、呼出二氧化碳浓度低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组的血氧饱和度、脉搏氧饱和度及呼吸频率无明显差异(P>0.05);观察组的动脉血氧分压高于对照组,动脉血二氧化碳分压低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论全麻气管插管患者复苏期应用T管吸氧的吸入氧浓度高,能避免二氧化碳重复吸入,比面罩吸氧更具有优越性。 Objective To evaluate the effect of inhaling O2 through T style tube or face mask for intubated patients with general anesthesia in recovery period. Method Divide 56 cases who have automatic respiratory after general anesthesia with intubation into observation group and control group equally according to operation order. Patients in observation group re- ceive oxygen inhalation by T style oxygen tube and patients in control group receive oxygen inhalation by masks both with oxygen flow of 6 l./min. Monitor patients' fraction of inspired oxygen and CO2, fraction of exhaled oxygen and CO2, pulse oxygen saturation, respiratory rate by Drager Monitor continuously and record the values 5min, 10min and 15min after oxy- gen inhalation. Test the blood gas value by DM3000 Blood Gas Analyzer 10min after oxygen inhalation. Result Fraction of inspired and exhaled oxygen in three different periods of recovery period are obviously higher in observation group than in control group. Fraction of inspired and exhaled CO2 are obviously lower in observation group than in control group. The difference is significant (P〈0. 05). There is no significant difference on blood oxygen saturation, pulse oxygen saturation and respiratory rate between two groups (P〉0. 05). The arterial partial pressure of oxygen is higher and arterial carbond- ioxide partial pressure is lower in observation group compared to control group. The difference is significant (P〈0. 05). Conclusion Oxygen inhalation by T style oxygen tube for intubated patients with general anesthesia in recovery period can keep a high fraction of inspired oxygen and avoid repeated inhalation of CO2, which is superior to inhalation by masks.
出处 《护理与康复》 2013年第4期309-312,共4页 Journal of Nursing and Rehabilitation
关键词 全麻 复苏期 T管 吸氧 General anesthesia Recovery period T style oxygen tube Oxygen inhalation
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