
2011年济南市流行性腮腺炎患者血清IgM抗体水平及其影响因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Serum IgM Level and its influencing Factors Among Mumps Patients,Jinan City,2011
摘要 [目的]了解流行性腮腺炎(腮腺炎)患者的血清抗体水平及其影响因素,为疾病监测与管理提供科学依据。[方法]采集2011年济南市医疗机构报告的所有腮腺炎病例血液检测血清IgM抗体,分析影响血清IgM抗体水平的因素。[结果]检测792例患者,血清IgM抗体阳性的185份,阳性率为23.36%。血清IgM抗体阳性率,男性为22.92%,女性为24.13%(P>0.05);无腮腺炎疫苗免疫史的为29.31%,有免疫史的为23.12%(P<0.01);不发热的为21.45%,低热的为23.08%,中度热的为23.75%,高热的为44.44%(P<0.01);腮腺不肿大的为30.30%,单侧肿大的为20.74%,双侧肿大的为31.33%(P<0.01);临床得分0分的为31.82%,1分的为21.32%,2分的为21.05%,3分的为17.97%,≥4分的为41.05%(P<0.01)。非条件Logistic回归分析结果,进入回归模型的因素只有临床得分,OR=2.074,即腮腺炎患者的临床得分越高,血清IgM抗体阳性的几率越高。[结论]2011年济南市腮腺炎患者血清IgM抗体水平较低,患者的血清IgM抗体水平主要受到腮腺炎临床表现严重程度的影响。 [Objective]To analyze possible influencing factors of IgM,so as to provide basis for further surveillance and management of the disease. I-Methods]Serums of reported mumps cases in 2011 from medical institutions were collected and tested for IgM,and then influencing factors were explored. I-Results]Serums of 792 mumps cases were tested for IgM and 185 were positive with a positive rate of 23.36 %. IgM positive rate of male was 22.92 % and female was 24. 13% ( P ~0.05). Cases with no mumps immunization history had an IgM positive rate of 29.31% ,with MCVs(mumps contained vaccines) history had an IgM positive rate of 23.12% (P 〈0.01). Cases with no fever had an IgM positive rate of 21.45% ,with low fever of 23.08% ,moderate fever of 23.75% and high fever of 44. 44%( P 〈0.01). Cases with no parotid gland enlargement had an IgM positive rate of 30.30%, with unilateral and bilateral parotid gland enlargement of 20.74% and 31.33% separately. Cases with 0,1,2,3,≥4 clinical scores had an IgM positive rate of 31.82% ,21.32%, 21.05 %, 17.97 % and 41.05 % ( P 〈0. 01). Non-conditional Logistic Regression analysis found that only clinical scores entered the model and showed that higher clinical scores corresponded with higher IgM positive rate( OR = 2. 074). [Conclusion]In 2011 ,IgM positive rate of mumps cases in Jinan city is quite low and it is mainly influenced by clinical symptoms.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2013年第4期266-267,269,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 流行性腮腺炎 IGM 影响因素 Mumps IgM Influencing factors
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