Quite a few works have appeared on the study of phonology from the angle of rhythm since Ming and Qing Dynasty. The scholars who study phonology always consider the component of Lvlv in it to be statement and distorted conclusion without any sound meaning. Yet after detailed analysis on it, it is previous scholars who held this view didn't correctly understand the true connotation of "Lvlv". Big "Yin and Yang" is the basic principle for the construction of rhythm map in Huangzhong Tongyun just groundless discovered that Twelve Law of Using dualistic thinking of Lvlv and Yinyang, which is based on the division of Yin and Yang of vowels in manchu language, Du Side's analysis on the phonologic structure of Beijing Dialogue is quite similar to the analysis on the phonologic structure of Beijing Dialogue made by modern scholars in the middle of 20th century using the method of phonetics. The Study of phonology using Lvlv in Huangzhong Tongyun is really full of deep meaning instead of groundless statement.
Journal of Huanghe S&T University
Huangzhong Tongyun
Big Twelve Law of "Yin and Yang"
Rhythm Map
Phonologic Structure