针对数控车削梯形螺纹的工艺特点,着重分析了常用车削方法和工艺流程,把传统车削梯形螺纹的方法和新型方法进行对比。为了解决梯形螺纹轴零件在实际加工中存在的刚性低、易变形、易磨损、易伤刀、精度不容易保证等困难,笔者选用FANUC OI系统数控车床,对典型零件阐述了新型的车削方法和数控优化程序设计。
According to the process characteristics of trapezoidal thread in NC turning, analyses the typical method of turning and technological process, compared the traditional method of turning of trapezoidal thread with the new one .In order to solve rigid low, easy variant, Easy to wear ,precision not easy ensure and other difficulties exist in the actual processing ,this paper select FANUC system NC lathe, according the typical parts to analysis the new type turning method and ootimization NC orom'arn.
Equipment Manufacturing Technology