
高校大学生学校归属感理论分析 被引量:11

Theoretical analysis on college students’ sense of school belonging
摘要 大学生学校归属感是大学生通过接触校园社会环境,逐步感受到被所属集体、学校所接受、尊重等心理体验,进而产生的自己成为学校一部分的身份认同且愿意承担作为学校一员的各项责任和义务的稳定情感。对大学生的学校归属感进行理论分析,是有效提升其学校归属感,提高其大学学习和生活质量的前提工作。大学生的学校归属感具有社会性、互动性、过程性和稳定性等特性。宏观上看,学校归属感的影响因素大致分为个人因素和学校因素。 College students' sense of school belonging is the psychological experience which college students can gain through contacting the social environment of the campus. When realizing others' respect for the university, college students generate the stable feeling like wanting to become a part of school and be willing to take responsibilities and obligations. Theoretical analysis on college students' sense of school belonging is a basic and premise work to promote students' sense of school belonging and improve their study efficiency and life qualities. College students' sense of school belonging is social, interactive, process-based and stable. Influencing factors of college students' sense of school belonging can be studied from school and individual aspects.
出处 《河北工程大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期77-80,共4页 Journal of Hebei University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
基金 北京市教育规划重点项目(编号:11YJA710010) 首都大学生思想政治理论教育项目(编号:BJSZ2011YB33)
关键词 大学生 学校归属感 理论分析 college students sense of school belonging theoretical analysis
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