
有人/无人机编队指挥控制系统决策分配 被引量:6

Decision Allocation of Manned/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Formation Command and Control System
摘要 在有人/无人机编队指挥控制系统设计与作战使用过程中,为了充分发挥有人机指挥员与无人机自主决策系统的决策优势,需要将决策功能在两者之间进行合理分配。给出了指挥控制系统决策分配过程,在该过程中存在较大的主观不确定性,针对属性值无法准确测度的特点,采用不确定性语言型多属性决策(ULMADM)方法,综合处理不确定语言评估属性值,确定了决策功能的自动化等级范围和最优自动化等级。算例表明了ULMADM方法解决决策分配问题的可行性、有效性和通用性。 In order to make full use of the advantages of manned-aircraft commander and autonomous system of UAVs in decision-making, we need to allocate the decision-making task between them during the design process of manned/unmanned aerial vehicle formation command and control system. The decision- making allocation process was proposed. Since the process is subjective and uncertain, and it is difficult to estimate the attribute values accurately, we use Uncertain Linguistic Multiple Attribute Decision Making (ULMADM) method to aggregate the attribute values and to determine the range of automation levels and the optimal automation level. Simulation result indicates that the method is feasible and effective in decision allocation.
出处 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2013年第5期31-36,共6页 Electronics Optics & Control
基金 航空科学基金(20115151019) 总装重点实验室基金项目(9140C460104110C4602)
关键词 有人 无人机编队 指挥控制系统 决策分配 自动化等级 不确定性语言型多属性决策 manned/unmanned aerial vehicle formation allocation level of automation Uncertain Linguistic Multiple command and control Attribute Decision Making system decision (ULMADM)
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