
油脂氧化评价研究进展 被引量:30

Research progresses on lipids rancidity and oxidation evaluation
摘要 该文分析油脂空气氧化、高温氧化、热质变主要劣变路径与产物;评述以氧化产物评价酸败程度策略,经典初级氧化产物、次级氧化产物指标方法,氧化三酰甘油聚合物及高效体积排阻凝胶渗透色谱技术在初榨油质量控制与掺伪鉴别方面应用前景。 The research presented a detailed analysis of the main deterioration pathways and products in oil air oxidation, high temperature oxidation and thermal alteration. Both the evaluation strategy of the rancidity degree by means of oxidative products and the index method for classic primary oxidative products and secondary oxidative products were discussed in the article. The application prospect of oxidized triacylglycerol polymers and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography in controlling virgin oil quality and discerning oil adulteration was also included
出处 《粮食与油脂》 北大核心 2013年第4期1-5,共5页 Cereals & Oils
基金 国家十二五科技支撑资助项目(2012BAK08B03) 上海市科委应用技术开发专项(2010-115,2011-118) 上海市科委科研计划(11142200400,11231200100)
关键词 油脂氧化 油脂氧化评价 油脂酸败 oiloxidation oil oxidation evaluation oil rancidity
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