
湘南地区高液限红粘土土性指标概率统计分析 被引量:2

Probability Statistic Analysis for Soil Properties Indexes of High Liquid Limit Red Clay in Southern Hunan
摘要 基于厦成高速公路湖南郴州段高液限红粘土土工实验数据,采用数理统计分析理论,计算了高速公路沿线高液限红粘土抗剪强度、天然含水率、天然密度等指标的变异系数、峰度、偏度、置信区间和标准值等概率特征值,得出湘南地区高液限红粘土液限、孔隙比、塑性指数的置信区间分别为64.2~67.0、1.09~1.14、32.9~35.3。建立了各物理力学指标之间的相关性经验公式。研究结果可为湘南地区红粘土路基的设计、施工提供有益参考。 Based on the data from geotechnical test on high liquid limit red clay from Chenzhou road section of Xiacheng Highway, mathematic statistics and data analysis were adopted to calculate the differentiation coefficient of indexes including shear strength, natural moisture, natural density, as well as probability characteristics of kurtosis, skewness, confidence intervals and standard value for high liquid limit red clay. Thus, the liquid limit, pore ratio, confidence interval of the plasticity index were obtained for high liquid limit red clay in Southern Hunan as 64.2 ~ 67.0, 1.09 - 1.14, 32.9 ~ 35.3, respectively. The empirical formula among each physical index and mechanical index was deduced. Those research results are instructive for design and construction of subgrade filled with red clay in Southern Hunan.
机构地区 湖南科技大学
出处 《矿冶工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期31-35,共5页 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
基金 湖南省教育厅资助项目(12K103) 湖南省科技计划项目(2009SK3037)
关键词 岩土工程 土性指标 红粘土 高液限 geotechnical engineering soil properties indexes red clay high liquid limit
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