
平板断面颤振过程中能量输入特性研究 被引量:1

Energy input characteristics of a plate section during flutter
摘要 通过风洞试验研究流线型较好的平板断面颤振性能,基于流固松耦合的计算策略,应用CFD数值方法,模拟平板颤振过程。并用相位平均方法研究颤振临界状态下模型尾部旋涡的演化规律,分析表明模型尾部风嘴处呈直线排列的涡街规律性摆动主导结构振动直至模型振动发散。利用分块分析思路研究颤振过程中气流能量在模型表面不同区域的输入特性及模型尾部旋涡演化过程对模型表面气动力分布与能量输入特性影响。分块分析结果表明振动模型通过迎风端风嘴从气流中吸收大量能量,且在一完整振动周期内气流输入到振动系统的能量不断增加,造成平板颤振多为结构稳定性突然丧失。 The flutter performance of a plate section was studied with wind tunnel tests. The flutter process was simulated by using of CFD numerical method based on the fluid-solid loosely coupled theory. The evolution law of vortex near the rear nozzle of a model for the plate section during flutter was studied. Its flutter crtical state was studied using the method of phase-average. The effect of alternating vortex near the rear wind nozzle leaded to the vibration of the model until the structural vibration diverged. The features of air energy input and the aerodynamic distribution on the sirface of the model during flutter were studied by adopting block analysis. The results showed that the model absorbs a lot of energy through the windward side nozzle from air and in a complete vibration period the energy inputted into the vibration system obviously increases until the structural stability suddenly loses.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期135-140,共6页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金(51208197) 华北水利水电学院高层次人才资助
关键词 颤振 分块分析 相位平均 能量特性 旋涡演化规律 平板断面 flutter block analysis phase average characteristics of energy law of vortex evolution plate section
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