

Application of self-centering rocking bearings in vibration isolation of buildings
摘要 运用摇晃(Rocking)及滚动(Rolling)机制研发了一种新型隔震支座,称作自复位摇晃式隔震支座(Self-centering Rocking Bearing,简称SCRB),根据该支座力与位移关系,建立了以其作为隔震组件之隔震建筑理论运动模型;并以其滚动曲面半径、高宽比(Aspect Ratio)及上部结构自振周期作为研究参数,对SCRB隔震结构受自由振动、简谐力、地震地表加速度扰动进行数值分析。结果显示,经适当设计之SCRB隔震结构不具固定振动周期,不会被特定之扰动频率锁定而引发共振;在受大地震时,能有效降低上部结构之加速度反应,亦能减少层间变位(Drift),可用于建筑隔震。 Here, a new type of vibration isolation bearing referred to as self-centering rocking bearing (SCRB) was presented, rocking and rolling mechanism were applied to develop it. A theoretical model for a isolated structure equipped with this bearing was constructed to simulate the relation between force and displacement under excitations. Diameter of rolling surface, aspect ratio and natural frequencies of the superstructure were taken as parameters to be studied. Numerical analysis was performed to investigate the responses of the structure under free vibration and excitations of harmonic load and the ground acceleration of earthquake. The results indicated that the appropriately designed structure with SCRB does not have fixed natural frequencies, and no resonances happen under any particular disturbance frequency ; under the strong earthquake the acceleration response of its superstructure and the drift between its storeys can be reduced effectively; so, the self-centering rocking bearings can be used in vibration isolation of buildings.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期68-78,共11页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 台湾行政院国家科学委员会受震自复位结构之研究-子计划:摇摆隔震元件之研发(I)计划补助(NSC100-2625-M-327-002)
关键词 自复位 摇晃 滚动 隔震支座 self-centering rocking rolling vibration isolation bearing
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