
微小鸡胚颅面部组织定位包埋方法的研究 被引量:1

Study on the locating embedding methods of the miniature chicken embryo craniofacial tissue
摘要 目的探讨微小鸡胚颅面部组织定位包埋方法,以利于颅面部冠状面切。方法在常规石蜡包埋技术的基础上,经透明、浸蜡后将标本在包埋框注入石蜡时用显微镊将微小鸡胚颅面部组织夹持起后,按照所需包埋方向迅速放入L形包埋模,在包埋模内石蜡稍凝结时抽出显微镊,待包埋组织的石蜡基本凝固时将包埋框注满石蜡,至蜡块完全凝固后取出。结果采用此法包埋的微小鸡胚颅面部组织包埋方向好且能够较好地定位,完全显示颅面部的各个突起,左右对称,透明度好。结论经此法包埋的微小鸡胚颅面部组织具有较好地定位性,经组织切片染色后能清晰地观察鸡胚颅面部的组织形态,为以微小鸡胚颅面部作为动物模型进行鸡胚颅面部形态发育的研究奠定了组织学技术基础。 Objective To investigate the locating embedding methods of the miniature chicken embryo eraniofacial tissue. Methods On the base of routine paraffin section techniques, the specimen that was cleared and infiltrated was put into the embedding box, stuffing with paraffin. And the miniature chicken embryo craniofacial tis- sue was hold up with the microscopic tweezers, put it into L-shaped embedding mold rapidly according to the needed direction. Then the tweezers were removed when the paraffin starts to condense, and the embedding mold was filled with paraffin when it mainly coagulates until it completely solidified, then the paraffin block was removed. Results This method made the embedding direction of the miniature chicken embryo craniofacial tissue turning out good, as well as good locating and displaying of each craniofacial prominence, and the specimen was more symmetrical and transparent. Conclusion Embedded by this method, the miniature chicken embryo tissue craniofacial part has a good positioning. After the tissue sections are staining, its morphology can be clearly observed. The miniature chicken em- bryo craniofacial part can be used as an animal model to study its morphogenesis, which lays the foundation for the histological techniques.
出处 《中国临床新医学》 2013年第4期295-297,共3页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEW CLINICAL MEDICINE
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:31060167) 广西自然科学基金资助项目(编号:桂科自0991118) 广西卫生厅重点科研课题(编号:桂卫重200928)
关键词 微小鸡胚 颅面部 石蜡包埋 定位 Miniature chicken embryo Craniofacial part Paraffin embedding Locating
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