

Learning the Spirit of the Eighteenth CCP National People’s Congress
摘要 党的十八大是我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段召开的一次十分重要的大会。认真学习宣传党的十八大精神,是当前和今后一个时期全体少先队的首要政治任务。但是如何向中学生讲述党的十八大以及中国特色社会主义帮助同学们感知党的形象是一个艰巨的任务和命题。在十八大召开的背景下,为理解党的十八大精神,增强学生的责任感、使命感和贯彻落实自觉性、坚定性,也为了更好地进行少先队的辅导,我们要从孩子做起,培养少年儿童的思想意识,传递十八大精神。因此本文将从几个方面进行分析辅导员如何帮助孩子学习党的十八大精神。 The eighteenth National People's Congress of CCP is a very important congress of the crucial stage since our country has entered a period to construct comprehensive welloff society. To learn and propagandize the spirit of the eight eenth national people's congress is the primary task for all young pioneers in the current period and future. But how to tell students our party's the eighteenth National People's Congress and socialism with Chinese characteristics to help them per ceive the image of our party is such a difficult task and problem. Under the background of the convening of eighteenth Na tional People's Congress, to understand the spirit, to enhance students' responsibility and the sense of mission, to imple ment the selfconsciousness and firmness and also to better tutor young pioneers, we should cultivate children's conscious ness and to convey the spirit from young children. The article will make an analysis on how tutors help children learn the spirit from several aspects.
作者 丁军英
机构地区 上海市老港中学
出处 《科教导刊》 2013年第8期200-201,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 十八大精神 少先队 思想政治教育 the spirit of National People's Congress young pioneers ideological and political education
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