提出了一种计算机与变频器通信系统的设计及实现方法。以ABB变频器ACS800为例,介绍了通信接口电路的设计、变频器通信参数设置及通信协议的格式,并在VC++下通过使用CSerial串口类编程实现了计算机控制变频器的启动、停机及相关参数读取等功能,从而达到了由计算机来控制传动单元的目的 。
This paper presents a method of the control system design and achievement between computer and frequency converter. The frequency converter ACSS00 made by ABB corporation is taken as an example, the design of communication circuit, parameter settings and communication protocol are introduced. The function of start, stop and parameter reading of frequency converter by computer is realized by using the class CSerial based on VC + + , which achieves the objective of controlling the drive unit by computer.