Template - based modeling was the most accurate and efficient method in the field of protein tertiary structure prediction, however, this Kind of method was highly dependent on the template quality. This article was aimed at establishing a kind of alignment method, which was used for detection of suitable templates for query se- quence. A kind of profile - profile alignment method was proposed in this article, which firstly make alignments of query sequences and proteins with known structure in template library, followed the templates being selected out ac- cording to Z - score ranking of alignment results. The proposed profile - profile alignment method obviously outper- formed PSI - BLAST on the testing sets. The accuracy was increased by 14.3% in comparison to PSI - BLAST on testing sets, which was statistically significant on a paired Students' t test. The profile - profile alignment method in this article could be employed to identify distantly -related templates for query sequences with low sequence simi- larity, furthermore, the templates obtained from this method could be used to guide tertiary structure prediction of query sequence subsequently.
Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics