
历史中心与地理边缘的叠加 刘克成教授访谈 被引量:4

The Superposition of Historical Center and Geographic Margin An Interview with Professor LIU Kecheng
摘要 改革开放30年来,随着社会的开放,中国的建筑市场得到了繁荣发展。尤其是近10年来,20世纪60年代出生的建筑师成为中国建筑实践的主角,而他们的思想和作品与老一辈建筑师在特定时期的意识形态下创作的民族风格建筑相比更具多样性,路径也更多元,但没有形成清晰的整体特征。文章通过对西安建筑科技大学刘克成教授的访谈,一方面试图从个人化的视角来总结和归纳60年代生建筑师的某些整体特征,另一方面将个体放入特殊的社会大背景下——中国西部——梳理其发展过程,进而分析其当下实践状态的成因,为中国当代建筑保留一份切片式的个案记录,同时,期望为中国目前其他地域处于现代化进程中的建筑实践与研究提供一份有参考意义的资料。 In the three decades since the launch of opening-up and reforms, the Chinese architectural market has witnessed prosperity and development with the gradual opening of society as a whole. Especially in the last decade, as Chinese architects born in the 1960s began to take leading roles in the nation's architectural practice, their thinking and works have taken on a kind of diversity and multifaceted approach which is devoid of theuniform paradigm and collectivefeature that characterize the architecture bearing strong national hallmarks created by older generations of architects under ideological guidelines. With an interview with Professor Liu Kecheng, Dean of the School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, this article attempts on the one hand to illustrate some collective characteristics of the architects born in the 1960s from a personalized perspective, and on the other hand, to locate the individuals in the special social context, namely Western China when tracing their trajectories. By doing so, the article offers an analysis of the factors that contribute to the status of current practice and a record of case profiles for contemporary Chinese architecture, in the hope that this will serve as a useful reference framework for the research in architectural practice in the modernization processes of other parts of China.
出处 《时代建筑》 2013年第1期58-65,共8页 Time + Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:51178314) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:51278342)
关键词 60年代生建筑师 刘克成 个体的塑造 另类现代化 中国西部 1960s-born Chinese Architects Liu Kecheng Individual Formation Alternative Modernity Western China
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