
中国农民跨省旅游网络空间结构研究 被引量:57

Spatial network structure of inter-provincial farmer tourist flows in China
摘要 依据《中国国内旅游抽样调查资料2008》,利用中国农村居民旅游流的内在联系特性,构建旅游流空间网络结构,采用社会网络分析方法,结合运用GIS空间分析和数理统计等技术,对农民旅游空间的网络节点中心性与结构洞分析,对旅游空间的整体网络的密度、中心势、核心—边缘结构、凝聚子群分析。结果表明:①中国农民旅游流网络密度低,随时间发生微弱增密态势,旅游空间的节点呈现"东部沿海密、内陆疏、偏远地区游离"的格局,网络整体结构比较松散而且不均衡;②网络中心势内向高于外向,旅游目的地集中度高于客源地,东部沿海旅游节点兼具客源地与目的地功能,内陆与偏远地区基本是单一的旅游客源地或目的地;③网络核心—边缘空间结构的核心区辐射能力弱,仅限于部分边际省域,中心度指数高的节点占据网络的核心位置,具备核心竞争优势,东部沿海旅游点入度普遍高于内陆与偏远地区,点出度与出游力成正对应;④网络区域集聚子群各自形成核心、边缘旅游空间,内部联系紧密,构成与子群相对应的核心旅游地,形成5个区域集聚子群。构建以省域为节点的农民旅游空间网络结构并进行深度分析,为中国农民旅游空间均衡发展和旅游通达性提供理论和实践指导。 According to the related data from the sample survey of Chinese domestic tourists in 2008, the authors construct the intrinsic relationship and the spatial network structure of inter-provincial tourist flows of Chinese farmers. Based on social network analysis, GIS spatial analysis and mathematical analysis, the authors examine the node indicators of centrality and structural holes of inter-provincial spatial network of the domestic farmer tourist flows. First, the network density of inter-provincial farmer tourist flows is low, but it tends to increase at a slow rate with the time going on. Nodes of the network present an uneven density distribution pattern of "high in eastern China, sparse in central China and scattered in western China" . The overall network structure is loose. Second, the central network force of the inward is stronger than that of the outward. The degree of concentration in tourist destination is higher than that of the visitor-generating region. The tourism nodes in eastern China have two functions of the tourist destination and the visitor-generating region. However, the tourism nodes in either central China or western China have only one function of the tourist destination. Third, the radiating capacity from the core region to the peripheral region is weak and limited in the provinces of western China. Besides, the nodes with high centre index occupy the core places, and have the core competitive advantages. The tourist indegree of eastern China is higher than either central China or western China. The tourist outdegree is positive corresponding to the travel rate. Fourth, there are five concentration subgroups in the spatial network of inter-provincial farmer tourist flows in China. Each concentration subgroup is a tourist destination with its special core-periphery structure. At last, this study on domestic tourist flows of Chinese farmers, based on a province-scale research unit, provides both the theoretical and the practical supports to balance the development and the tourist accessibility of the travel space in China.
出处 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期547-558,共12页 Acta Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40571059) 福建省社会科学基金项目(2009B2078) 福建省教育厅服务海西重点项目(2008HX04)子课题(MZ10.07)联合支持的阶段成果~~
关键词 农村居民 国内旅游流 社会网络分析方法 空间结构 rural residents domestic tourist flows social network analysis spatialrelationship among provinces
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