
基于频率特征的新老士兵脑电分析及其与抑郁量表评分的相关性研究 被引量:6

EEG analysis of army recruits and veterans and the relationship of the frequency spectrum with depression scale scores
摘要 目的探讨新老士兵的脑电频率特征及其与抑郁量表评分之间的关系。方法选取某部2010年至2012年新人伍(入伍时间3个月)及待退役老兵(已服役2~5年)共计123例作为研究对象,3年内所研究的时间段及面临应激情况均相同(新兵由新兵营分配至连队,老兵面临退伍即将离开部队)。对所有士兵分别进行脑电图检查和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评估。①根据士兵入伍时间分为新兵组(55例)和老兵组(68例);②根据汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分分为评分异常组(35例)和评分正常组(88例);③将123例中脑电和抑郁量表均异常者和单纯抑郁量表异常者分为双异常组(18例)和单纯异常组(35例);④将18例脑电和抑郁量表双异常者分为量表评分较高组(9例)和评分较低组(9例)。在Matlab7.0平台上对新老士兵脑电进行频谱分析。结果①新老兵脑电异常46例,占总例数37.4%;抑郁量表异常35例,占总例数28.5%,其中脑电及抑郁量表双异常者18例,占量表异常例数的51.4%;②8频段功率百分比老兵全部导联均低于新兵(P〈0.05),0频段左侧均高于新兵(P〈0.05),d频段和吖频段老兵左侧各导联均低于新兵左侧(P〈0.05);③抑郁量表评分异常者较正常者脑电8频段功率百分比呈全部导联增高(P〈0.05);④脑电及抑郁量表双异常较单纯抑郁量表异常者8频段百分比增高(P〈0.01),且双异常中评分较高的9例比评分较低的9例各导联8频段功率百分比增高(P〈0.05)。结论脑电各频段功率百分比改变与士兵的抑郁程度及心理健康水平可能存在一定的相关性,脑电8慢波频段功率百分比越增高,抑郁发生的可能性越大,抑郁程度越严重。 Objective To explore the characteristics of EEG frequency in recruits and veterans and their relationship with depression scale scores. Methods Fifty-five newly enlisted soldiers formed the recruits group and 68 demobilized soldiers the veterans group. A general information survey, EEGs and the Hamilton depression scale (HAMD) were administered to all of the subjects. According to the HAMD scores, 35 of the 123 were designated as the abnormal group, while 88 formed the normal one. Eighteen of the 35 with EEG abnormalities served as a double- abnormal group to be compared with the remaining 17 cases with abnormal HAMD scores and normal EEGs (the single-abnormal group) , and 9 of the 18 with higher HAMD scores as the higher group, and the other 9 cases as the lower group. The EEG frequency spectrum and the power percentages from the δ to γ frequency bands were calculated as 8:0.5-4 Hz, θ:4-8 Hz, ct: 8-13 Hz, β:13-25 Hz, γ: 25-40 Hz. Results Forty-six of the subjects (37.4% ) had abnormal EEG results, 35 had abnormal HAMD scores, and 18 (51.4% of the soldiers with abnormal HAMD scores) had both abnormalities. The veterans had lower 8 band power percentage in all channels than the recruits, but in the 0 band it was the reverse. In the left channels the veterans had lower a and γ band power percentages than the recruits. Compared with the normal, all channels in the EEGs of subjects with abnormal HAMD scores had significantly higher 8 band power percentages. The higher the 8 band power percentage a subject had, the higher his HAMD score. Conclusion There is some correlation between changes in EEG power percentages and the possibility and severity of depression. Objective and subjective EEG evaluation can help improve the positive rate of diagno- sis, and thus the management of the army.
出处 《中华物理医学与康复杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期282-285,共4页 Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
关键词 新兵 老兵 抑郁 脑电频谱 汉密尔顿抑郁量表 Recruits Veterans Depression EEG spectra Hamilton depression scale
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