
冷喷涂Cu-Cu_2O涂层在海水中的电化学行为 被引量:5

Electrochemical Activities of Cold Spray Cu-Cu_2O Coating in Seawater
摘要 用冷喷涂技术制备Cu-Cu2O涂层,研究了其在不同海水环境下的极化行为,并建立了涂层的腐蚀过程数学模型。结果表明:在浸泡的初期Cu2O促进了涂层的局部腐蚀;随着浸泡时间的增加局部腐蚀产物进一步促进了表面氧化膜的形成;在非搅拌的静态环境下,涂层的腐蚀受CuCl2-扩散的控制;Cl-促进了涂层的腐蚀,阻碍氧化膜的形成,且Cl-对CuCl的络合是Cl-浓度的一级反应;在CuCl向Cu2O转变的过程中产生H+,使电极表面附近溶液的pH值降低,阻碍氧化膜的形成和降低耐久性,而在溶液中加入Na2B4O7-H3BO4缓冲体系,能有效地提高氧化膜的击破电位。根据本文提出的反应过程数学模型进行计算的结果,与实验结果具有很好的相符性。 The Cu-Cu20 coating was prepared by Cold Spray Technology, polarization behavior of the coating in seawater was investigated and the corresponding mathematical model was established. The esults show that Cu20 promoted localized corrosion in the beginning and with the increase of the soaking time local corrosion products can promote film-forming. The corrosion of coating was controlled by CuCI2- diffusion in a static environment. CI- promoted the corrosion of coating and hindered film- forming. CI- CuCI complex is first order reaction of the CI- concentration. H ^+ was produced in the transform process from CuCI to Cu20, which reduced the pH value of solution nearby electrode surface and affected the forming and durability of the oxide film adversely. Existence of buffer solution can increase break potential of oxide film effectively. Mathematical model was established based on reaction course coincides with experimental results well.
出处 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期212-218,共7页 Chinese Journal of Materials Research
关键词 材料失效与保护 冷喷涂 电化学腐蚀 数学模型 materials failure and protection cold spray electrochemical corrosion mathematical model
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