
组织工程皮肤与创面再生性修复 被引量:10

Tissue engineered skin and regenerative wound repair
摘要 各种急、慢性致伤因素,如机械损伤、烧伤、体表肿瘤切除、慢性溃疡等导致的皮肤组织缺损在临床上十分常见”^[1-2]。传统的治疗方法如断层皮片移植一直被广泛应用^[1.3],但仍存在供皮区不足、修复效果欠佳、造成新的创伤等遗憾。实现皮肤缺损的再生性或无瘢痕修复,是人类一直以来的梦想。 eal injury, burns, Various skin defects chronic, ulcers, and resulting from mechaniresection of tumor etc. are very common in clinic. The traditional treatment measure, such as grafting of autologous split-thickness skin remains the gold standard. However, its limitations are obvious, such as shortage of donor sites, creation of new injury, and scar formation. To realize regenerative or scarless repair of tissue defects has always been the dream of human being. The advent of tissue engineered skin (TES) provides an ideal access to tissue regeneration. After decades of development, several kinds of TES products have been developed and used in clinic, with promising effects. However, a large number of basic scientific problems regarding TES, as well as difficulties in translation of basic research to bedside should be taken into serious consideration. This article presents a comprehensive overview of strategies of construction of TES, the role of TES in regenerative wound repair, and its opportunities and challenges.
出处 《中华烧伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期122-125,共4页 Chinese Journal of Burns
基金 国家临床重点专科建设项目 浙江省重大科技专项(优先主题)社会发展项目(2007C13040) 浙江省自然科学基金(LQl2H15001)
关键词 组织工程 再生 干细胞 修复 皮肤 附件 Tissue engineering Regeneration Stem cells Repair Skin appendage
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