
低位直肠癌预防性横结肠造口术后相关并发症的护理 被引量:3

Nursing Care of Complications Following Protective Loop Transverse Colostomy for Patients with Low Rectal Cancer
摘要 目的探讨直肠癌低位、超低位前切除并行横结肠预防性造口术后其并发症的护理对策。方法对2011年12月-2012年5月收治的43例低位直肠癌行预防性横结肠造口患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并就其发生并发症的原因及护理方法予以总结。结果 43例患者均在直肠癌前切除术后行预防性横结肠袢式造口术。术后拔管时间2~5 d,造口排气时间19~73 h,均未出现吻合口瘘,但发生造口脱垂1例,造口回缩1例,造口周围皮肤疾病2例,经积极治疗护理后均痊愈出院。结论术后精心护理对降低横结肠造口术后并发症,提高患者生活质量,改善预后十分重要。 Objective To investigate the nursing policy for complications following protective loop transverse colostomy for low and ultra low anterior resection. Methods Clinical data of 43 patients with low rectal cancer undergoing protective loop transverse colostomy between December 2011 and May 2012 were analyzed retrospectively, and causes of complications and nursing methods were summarized. Results All 43 patients with rectal cancer underwent protective loop transverse colostomy after anterior resection. Anus exhaust time was between 19h and 73 h after surgery and the drainage tubes were pulled out on the 2nd-5th postoperative day. There was no anastomotic leakage, one stomal prolapse, one stomal retraction and two peristomal skin complications. All patients with these complications recovered and were discharged after perfect nursing care. Conclusion Intensive postoperative care is crucial for reducing complication incidences after transverse colostomy, promoting patients' life quality, and improving prognosis.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2013年第4期579-581,共3页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 结肠袢式造口术 造口治疗 术后并发症 护理 Transverse colon loop colostomy Stoma therapy Postoperative complications Nursing care
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