
科研项目嵌入面向公众科学传播活动的政策与实现路径——美国NASA空间科学办公室教育与科普项目案例研究 被引量:11

Relative Policies and Implementation Path of Science Communication in National Scientific Research Projects——A Case Study on the NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Program
摘要 美国NASA空间科学办公室"教育与科普"项目开始于20世纪90年代初的"分享哈勃太空望远镜的奇妙科学发现"活动,也是迄今为止天文与太空科学领域最大规模的教育与科普项目。这项计划的目标包括与公众分享空间科学探索激动人心的发现,提高科学、数学和技术教育的质量,特别是大学前教育,并支持美国21世纪科学技术人才计划。本文回顾了这项计划的缘起、政策和理念,叙述了该项目的发展和壮大,系统研究了该项目的路径选择及最佳实践,并结合中国国家级重大科研项目中科学传播的政策与实践现状,提出几点思考和相关建议。 The current education and public outreach program launched by NASA Office of Space Science really began with the work done by the Space Telescope Science Institute in the early 1990's to share the wonder of the Hubble Space Telescope scientific discover- ies. It might well be the largest program in astronomy and space science education over undertaken so far. The program goals include the public sharing of the excitement of space science discoveries, enhancement of the quality of science, mathematics and technology edu- cation, particularly at the precollege level, and supporting the creation of 21^st century scientific and technical workforce. The paper pro-vides an overview of the program origins, policies and philosophies, and describes the development and growth of the program. It also systematically analyzes the path choosing and best practices of this program. Some thoughts and relative suggestions are given according to the current status of policies and practice of science communication in the national scientific research projects in China.
作者 梁琦 刘萱
机构地区 中国科普研究所
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期149-154,共6页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(M1121007)
关键词 科学传播 国家科技计划 NASA Science communication National scientific research project NASA
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