目的了解内蒙古自治区结核分枝杆菌临床分离株的基因型构成,及该地区北京家族菌株的分布特征。方法从内蒙古自治区结核病防治研究所收集2011年全年临床分离的372株结核分枝杆菌菌株及其372例来源患者的背景资料,采用间隔区寡核苷酸分型(Spoligotyping)方法和BioNumerics 5.0软件进行基因分型分析,将372株临床菌株Spoligotyping分型结果与SpolDB 4.0数据库进行比对。另外,采用NTF及LSP对北京家族菌株进行分析。来源患者中汉族和蒙古族分别为282例及84例,其他为回族4例,维吾尔族和满族各1例,例数过少,因此仅分析主要民族与北京家族的易感性。以SPSS 13.0软件进行统计学分析,χ2检验分析不同民族与北京家族易感性。结果372株临床菌株共分为48种基因型,其中24种基因型为新的型别。85.48%(318/372)为北京家族,同时存在T家族(仅次于北京家族的主要流行基因型)占4.84%(18/372)、H家族(Haarlem)0.81%(3/372)、MANU家族(2004年最先于印度Delhi发现)0.27%(1/372)和LAM家族(Latin American and Mediter-ranean,拉丁美洲和地中海家族)0.27%(1/372)。汉族北京家族菌株占87.94%(248/282),非北京家族菌株占12.06%(34/282),蒙古族北京家族菌株79.76%(67/84),非北京家族菌株20.24%(17/84),差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.612,P=0.057)。结论内蒙古自治区结核分枝杆菌临床分离株基因具有多态性,且北京基因型为该地区主要流行株,而北京家族菌株与民族易感性间无关联。
Objective To study the genotypic constitution of M. tuberculosis isolates from Inner Mongolia, and the distribution characteristics of "Beijing family" strains in this area. Methods 372 M. tuberculosis clinical strains isolated from confirmed patients with tuberculosis in 2011, including the patients' epidemiological and clini- cal information, were collected from Institute for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention, Inner Mongolia and were genotyped by traditional 43 space Spoligotyping. The results of the DNA fingerprinting of these 372 strains were analyzed with BioNumerics 5.0 software, and compared with SpolDB 4.0 database. In addition, NTF and LSP were used to explore the characteristics of the "Beiiing family" strains. Among these strains, 282 were from the patients of Han, 84 were from the patients of Mongolian, the rest including 4 strains, 1 strain and 1 strain were from Hui, Uygur and Manchu respectively. The relativity between the susceptibility of the Beijing genotype and the two major nationalities was analyzed. The statistical analyses were performed by the software of the SPSS 13.0, and the chi- square test was used to determine the susceptibility of the Beijing genotype in the two major nationalities (Mongolian and Han). Results 372 strains were divided into 48 genotypes by spoligotyping referring to SpolDB 4. 0 database. According to the database, 24 genotypes were new types. "Beiiing family" genotype was the most prevalent geno- type (85.48%, 318/372), followed by the T family (4.84%, 18/372), H family (0.81%, 3/372), MANU family (0.27%, 1/372) and Latin American and Mediterranean family (0.27%, 1/372). Among these strains of the Han patients, 87.94% (248/282) were "Beijing family", and 12.06% (34/282) were non- "Bei}ing family". Meanwhile, there were 79.76%(67/84) "Beijing family" strains and 20. 240/oo (17/84) non-"Beijing family" strains in the Mon- golian. Finally, the chi-sqnare test between susceptibility of the "Beijing family" genotype and the two major natio- nalities (Mongolian and Han) showed that there was no statistical significance (x2 = 3. 612, P= 0. 057). Conclusion There are genotypic diversities of M. t*doerculasis clinical strains, and "Beijing family" genotype is the most prevalent family in Inner Mongolia. We did not find any relevance between the "Beijing family" genoty-pe and the major nationalities.
Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberc'ulosis
Bacterial typing techniques
Molecular typing
Po- lymorphism, genetic
Epidemiology, molecular
Inner mongolia
Han nationality