The research uses face images and adjec- tives as stimulus material, a total of 36 students as par- ticipants, by a method similar to the word - face Stroop paradigm to verify the mere exposure effect. Finstly, two groups of medium-evaluated face images were pre-sented to the presented ten participants times while randomly, one group was another group one time to induce the mere exposure effect. Then the presented images with positive or negative people evaluation ad- jectives were presented to participants again, and ask the participants to decide whether the word is positive or negative. The result indicated that, there is a signifi- cant interaction between presented times and adjec- tives. To the less times presented images, there was no significant difference of react ion time between positive adjectives attached and negative adjectives attached, however, on the other hand, to tile more times present- ed images, the reaction time of images with positive adjectives attached was significantly shorter than the mages with negative adjectives attached. This phe- aomenon successfully verified the effectiveness of ex- periment method.
Science of Social Psychology