
定居牧民对草地退化的适应策略——以那曲县为例 被引量:17

Settled Herdsmen's Adaptation Strategies to Pasture Degradation ——Case Study of Naqu County in Tibet Plateau
摘要 采用参与式农村评估法(PRA),在青藏高原腹地那曲县3个典型乡镇的实地调查基础上,分析了定居牧民对草地退化的适应策略。结果表明:研究区草地均有不同程度的退化,夏秋草场较冬春草场退化更明显。草地退化对牧民生计最明显的影响是牲畜大量死亡,牧民依靠省吃俭用及借贷勉强维持生计。在应对草地退化方面,政府采取集约化的思路,主导"四配套建设"。但定居并未从根本上改变牧民生计的脆弱性。牧民采取了多种适应策略,然而,集约化的适应策略极大地增加了牧民的负担,定居牧民难以通过迁移来实现草料补给及应对极端灾害天气的胁迫。因此,政府的应对策略应该有所调整,不能仅仅局限于集约化,应当采取措施,扶持牧民的生计多样化,大力扶持牧业合作社的发展,同时,尊重牧民联户放牧的意愿。 Rangeland degradation of the Tibetan Plateau and the herdsmen' s livelihood processes and adaptation strategies have become a concern in scientific communities and governments. Subsided by settlement projects, the nomads are gradually transformed to settled herdsmen. However, case studies on settled herdsmen's adaptation strategies are scarce. This paper analyzes the settled herdsmen' s adaptation strategies to pasture degradation, on the basis of field surveys of 3 townships of Naqu County in the hinterland of the Tibet Plateau, by adopting the methods of participatory rural appraisal (PRA). The results show that pastures there have degraded in varying de- grees, and the degradation of summer and autumn pastures is more apparent than that of winter and spring pastures. The most obvious influences of pasture degradation on the herdsmen' s livelihoods are mass mortality of livestock, when they have to depend on pinch and scrape or loans. To adapt pasture degradation, the government adopts Four -Package Projects and disaster relief, mainly intensification strategy. However, the settlement of nomads never changes the vulnerability of animal husbandry of this area. The herdsmen adopt a few strategies, such as intensifi- cation, livelihood diversification, mutual aid organizations and animal husbandry cooperatives. The herdsmen' s in- tensification strategies include fencing-off pastures, artificial pastures, supplementary feed and hay storage. Howev- er, the intensification strategies immensely increase the burdens on the herdsmen, and they can not satisfy the for- age supplement and cope with the extreme weather disasters. With the growing trend of grassland degradation, the settled herdsmen' s livelihood pressure will be heavy, and the ways to solve the dilemma of livelihood will be unita- ry. When the herdsmen suffer the disastrous weather or a great loss of livestock, they have no choice but to depend on government relief. The livelihood diversification strategy, mainly Chinese herbs collection, small business and piece work, can relieve livelihood pressure, but income from livelihood diversification is instable. Besides tradition- al adaptation strategies, the herdsmen also resort to mutual aid organizations and animal husbandry cooperatives. The herdsmen integrate their pasture resources together and enlarge the grazing radius, therefore, traditional no- madic way can be maintained and they can reduce the fence construction cost. The animal husbandry cooperatives can absorb family surplus labor forces, and help increase household incomes. Therefore, the intensification strategy of the government should be adjusted. The strategy of taking diversification, migration and intensification together may be a better way to adapt pasture degradation. The government should support livelihood diversification of the herdsman, the development of animal husbandry cooperatives, and the mutual aid organizations of the herdsman.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期140-149,共10页 Mountain Research
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2010CB951704)~~
关键词 青藏高原 定居牧民 草地退化 适应策略 那曲县 Tibetan Plateau settled herdsman pasture degradation adaptation strategy Naqu County
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