Objective: To analyze the influence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) on peripheral and central blood pressure in male patients. Methods: There were 54 consecutive male patients for OSAS screening in our hospital were enrolled in this study, all patients without antihypertensive medication. Peripheral and central blood pressure, brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (ba-PWV) were measured at sitting position before OSAS monitoring in all patients. According to apnea hypopnea index (AHI), the patients were divided into 2 groups as Control group, AHI〈5, n=20, and OSAS group, AHI≥5, n=34. The age and body mass index (BMI) were similar between two groups. Results: Compared with Control group, OSAS group presented significantly increased central arterial pressure, peripheral blood pressure and ba-PWV, P〈0.05-0.01. In OSAS patients, the central systolic blood pressure (CSBP) and peripheral systolic blood pressure (PSBP) were closely related; peripheral diastolic blood pressure (PDBP) and ba-PWV were closely correlated, P〈0.05. Ba- PWV obviously related to age and PSBP, P〈0.05. Taking CSBP as response variable, the multiple regression analysis, including the age, BMI, AHI, oxygen desaturation index (ODI), lowest SaO2 and ba-PWV revealed that ba-PWV was a significant contributor for increased CSBP in OSAS, P=O.014. In addition, taking ba-PWV as response variable, the multiple regression analysis, including AHI, ODI, lowest SaO2, age, BMI, PSBP and PDBP revealed that ODI was a significant contributor to affect ba-PWV, P=0.032. Conclusion: Peripheral blood pressure, CSBP and the arterial stiffness were all higher in OSAS patients. Elevated CSBP might be associated with the increased arterial stiffness.
Chinese Circulation Journal
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Central arterial pressure