
从抗震角度分析SI分离内装公寓的生命周期成本优化(英文) 被引量:1

Life-Cycle Cost Optimization of Skeleton-Infill Type Apartment from Seismic Aspect
摘要 This paper addresses the methods to get the optimum whole life-cycle cost (LCC) for skeleton-infill type apartment. From the aspect of seismicity, this method establishes functional relationships between the initial cost, the maintenance cost, and repaircost of the LCC respectively with the parameter of damping ratio which is closely related with seismicity, and ultimately applies the function of damping ratio to show the LCC and obtains the optimum value of Damping Ratio. This paper addresses the methods to get the optimum whole life-cycle cost (LCC) for skeleton-infill type apartment. From the aspect of seismicity, this method establishes functional relationships between the initial cost, the maintenance cost, and repaircost of the LCC respectively with the parameter of damping ratio which is closely related with seismicity, and ultimately applies the function of damping ratio to show the LCC and obtains the optimum value of Damping Ratio.
作者 梁欣程
出处 《南方建筑》 2013年第1期49-53,共5页 South Architecture
关键词 抗震角度分析 SI分离内装公寓 生命周期 成本 优化 life-cycle design LCC skeleton-infill system cost optimization fragility curve
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