
基于错误逻辑矩阵的错误识别对象分类及应用研究 被引量:5

The Research on the Error Identification and Avoiding Based on the Type of False Identification Object
摘要 研究了错误识别对象的概念和特征,并选取七个特征组合建立了错误识别对象的错误逻辑矩阵表达式,讨论了错误识别对象的类型.最后,结合石塑地板产品质检过程,对于所进行检验的每一片石塑地板建立错误识别的对象逻辑矩阵,通过错误函数求错误值,识别错误的石塑地板对象,并根据错误石塑地板对象特征分类,采用相应的消避错方法进行运算和处理. This paper studies, the concept and characteristics of the false identification object first. Then, select seven features to establish the false identification object's error matrix logic equations. And discuss the type of the false identification object. Take the quality inspection process of Stone Sculpture floor for example, establish the logic matrix of every tested Stone Sculpture floor, solve the error value by error function, identify the errors of Stone Sculpture floor, and avoid the errors by methods based on the object characteristics classification.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期183-188,共6页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 广东省自然科学基金(S2011040003753)
关键词 识别 对象 错误逻辑矩阵 分类 identify object error logic matrix type
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