
元中叶西北“过川”及“过川军”新探 被引量:7

A New Exploration of Guochuān and the Guochuān Army in the Northwest in the Middle of the Yuan Dynasty
摘要 元代与大漠相关的木怜站道、纳邻站道和哈密力东西站道,皆出现了被称为"川"的地段。蒙古语ül~l在与汉字"川勒"发生对译联系之际,主要指谓"荒漠、石川"。大德四年漠北宗王、驸马使臣南下传达"迤北军情声息"和"术伯大王军马"奉命"征进"漠北时的"入川"、"过川"等,无疑是穿越亦集乃路以北戈壁石川的纳怜站道。此乃西北军旅和使臣等所"入"所"过"的第一处戈壁石川,亦属与云南建都纳怜、甘肃纳怜并为三纳怜站道的通往岭北行省的纳怜站道。仁宗朝前后元帝国控制区与察合台汗国交界的哈密力东西的石川戈壁,又是战争或和平时期双方军队进退和使者、商旅往来的必经通道。延祐二年六月嗣豳王喃忽里奉仁宗圣旨向西进攻察合台汗国时所"入"所"过"的,正是这第二处戈壁石川。至大四年四月"甘肃过川军"所过之"川",并非川蜀,与汪古部驸马阔里吉思灵柩"过川"东归同样,当是穿越哈密力东西的戈壁石川。 All the Yuan post roads (站道, Zhàndào)that linked to the deserts,including the Muling , the Naling , and the East and West Hamili Post Roads , had sections called 川 ( chuān.)At the time , the Mongol words ül~l were given a Chinese equivalent :川勒 ( chuānlè ; also chuān) , which refers mainly to astony desert or rocky plain.'In the fourth year of Dade , when the envoys of the Prince of Mobei and the emperors son-in-law came south to report on themilitary situation in the northern region' , and when the army of the King of Chupai (术伯大王 ) was ordered to march to Mobei , theycrosssed chuān'orentered chuān'.Here chuān undoubtedly means passing through the Naling Post Road in the rocky Gobi desert north of Yijinailu Road. This was the first rocky Gobi desert crossed by the northwest army and envoys , and also one of the three Naling Post Roads (the other two being Jiandu Naling Post Road in Yunnan and the Gansu Post Road )leading to the Lingbei provinces.Around the time of Emperor Renzong , the rocky Gobi desert in the East and West Hamili , which bordered the Yuan-controlled region and the Chagatai Khanate , was a route that had to be taken by the armies of both sides , as well as envoys and merchants , whether in war or peace.In the sixth month of the second year of Yanyou of Emperor Renzongs reign , when NQm-qQli , the proposed King Bin was ordered by the Emperor to march west to attack the Chagatai Khanate , his armyentered and crossed chuān , ' or the second rocky Gobi desert.When , in the fourth month of the fourth year of Zhida of Emperor Wuzongs reign , theGansu army passed across chuān' , thechuānis not Sichuān , but the rocky Gobi plain east and west of Hamili.The same is true of the chuān passed by the coffin of Korguz , the son-in-law of the Wanggu (Onghut)tribe , when it was escorted back to the east.
作者 李治安
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期29-43,190,共15页 Historical Research
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