
空间:理论抑或感知?——建筑设计空间知觉的基本训练 被引量:5

SPACE: THEORY OR FEELING?——Basic Exercises to Sensitize Space Perception for Architectural Design
摘要 "空间"这个词是现在的建筑学中最常使用的词汇之一,几乎与"建筑"同义。可是"空间"这个词在建筑学中出现的时间并不很长。肯尼斯·弗兰姆普敦(Kenneth Frampton)在《建构文化研究》一书的绪论中指出,19世纪末才有西方学者开始认为建筑的本质就是创造空间。翻看一些理论书籍,我们大致知道,空间概念的产生与现代抽像艺术有关。 'Space' is probably one of the most frequently used words in today's architectural design. It has reached a point that we are almost unable to discuss architecture without using the term. It is also one of the most abused words in contemporary architecture. If we pay attention to the various situations where students or architects use 'space' to describe their designs, the term 'space' often means spacious or empty. In other cases, students or architects confidently quote theories about space,but fail to design a building with a strong spatial concept. This reveals a truth about the concept of space in architecture: the issue is not one of theory, but rather one of perception. The crucial point is whether one has the ability to see and work with space. This has to come from special training in our professional education.What is the basic perception of space? Our understanding of architectural space has a lot to do with Rubin's diagram, which presents a situation where the figure and ground relationship becomes ambiguous. You see two faces facing each other when you look at the black part and a vase when your focus moves to the central white part.This shift between figure and ground is essential for seeing and working with space in architecture. Here, I would like to introduce three graphic exercises based on this phenomenon 1. Draw from Negative Space The ideal subject for this drawing, focus on those exercise is a skeleton object, such as an armchair. When voids enclosed by the elements of the chair, not the chair itself. This requires a great effort to overcome habitual tendencies to fixate on the object and to shift one's attention to the negative space. In this exercise. what is drawn}mpty space-is only the means and what have been left-the elements of the chair-is actually the purpose.2. Letter Puzzle This is another experiment with figure and ground perception. First, prepare a sheet of white paper measuring 18x30 cm with three letters placed on it. Then cut the paper into pieces according to a 6x6cm grid. Place these cards randomly onto the table of a copy machine and to print out the result. The recomposed picture shows unexpected figure and ground ambiguity. The proportional relationship between the letters and white space determines the success of the experiment. The ambiguity can be easily seen when the two areas are equal or similar.3. Plan Game This exercise uses building plans for composition. When you place various building plans onto a white sheet of paper, attention should be paid to the spaces between plans. The plans are the means and the space is the purpose. A good result is when the space appears to have a clear figurative quality. However, I have found that this is not an easy task even for experienced students and architects. So, I consider this as an advanced exercise in spatial perception.
作者 顾大庆
出处 《世界建筑导报》 2013年第1期37-39,共3页 World Architecture Review
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