从某养鸭场的病死鸭体内分离到一株革兰氏阴性、无芽胞、无荚膜的细小杆菌 ,经鉴定为小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌 ,属生物 2型。该菌在SS ,麦康凯培养基上生长良好 ,血培养基上不溶血 ;可生长温度范围在 0℃~ 45℃ ;最适pH值为 6~ 8;对恩诺沙星、复方敌菌净、环丙沙星高度敏感 ;Nacl,Na2 SeO3 ,孔雀石绿对该菌的生长抑制浓度分别为 4.0 % ,0 .4% ,0 .0 4%
Some bacilli were isolated from the bodies of ducks which had died of disease. The bacilli stained Gram-negative and had no spores or capsules. Bacteriological and serological identification showed that they were Yersinia enterocolitica of biotype 2. The bacilli grew well on SS or Mac Conkey agar medium at 0~45℃. The optimum pH for their growth was in the range of 6.0~8.0. No hemolysis occurred on the blood agar medium. The bacilli appeared sensitive to enrofloxacin, diaveridnum and ciprofloxacin. NaCI, Na 2SeO 3 and malochite at 4.0%, 0.4% and 0.04% respectively, showed an inhibition to the growth of the bacilli.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University