
受电弓滑板材料的载流摩擦磨损特性 被引量:2

Friction and Wear Characteristics of Pantograph Slide Material with Electric Current
摘要 利用自行研制的改进型滑动电接触实验机,通过对铜基粉末冶金滑板和浸铜碳滑板与铜锡合金导线的对磨实验,分析了两种滑板材料在不同载流时的摩擦磨损特性。研究表明:两种滑板材料的摩擦磨损都要经历过渡期和相对稳定期两个阶段,随载流的增大,摩擦因数、接触电阻以及磨耗率都增大,但变化的趋势和幅度不同。浸铜碳滑板的摩擦因数和接触电阻变化率较小,但其绝对数值较大;铜基粉末冶金滑板的摩擦因数和接触电阻相对较小,但其随载流增加的幅度较大,载流稳定性稍差。微观形貌分析显示,两种滑板在强电流下的磨损形式主要是电弧侵蚀下的磨粒磨损和粘着磨损;而浸铜碳滑板磨耗率变化较小,强电流条件下其载流摩擦磨损性能较好。 The friction and wear characteristics of powder metallurgy copper-based slide and copper impregna ted carbon slide under different current conditions were studied by carrying out lots of friction experiments between slide and wire with the self-developed improved sliding electrical contact testing equipment. It showed that the friction and wear of the slide materials had two stages called transition state and relative stable stage. The friction coefficient, contact resistance and wear rate increased with the increase of current. However, the changing rules of them were dif ferent. The changing rates of friction coefficient and contact resistance of copper impregnated carbon slide were smaller but the values of them were bigger. The friction coefficient and contact resistance of powder metallurgy copper-based slide were smaller, but the rates of increase were higher and the current-carrying stability was worse. The microstruc- ture analysis showed that the wear form under strong current conditions of the two slide materials were abrasion and adhesive wear. The wear rate of copper impregnated carbon slide was smaller and its friction and wear property was better.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期91-96,共6页 Materials Reports
基金 国家自然科学基金(50977040) 辽宁省自然科学基金(201102086)
关键词 滑动电接触 摩擦磨损 浸铜碳滑板 铜基粉末冶金滑板 sliding electrical contact, friction and wear, copper impregnat carbon slide, powder metallurgycopper-based slide
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