采集扬州、淮阴两地 1 6种常见植物的根部土壤、根和叶片样本 1 82份 ,分离纯化后得到细菌 6 32株 ,抑菌圈法测定对灰葡萄孢有拮抗性的 5 8株 ,拮抗性稳定的为 1 3株。其中拮抗性最强的 Y2 - 1 1 - 1菌株为芽孢杆菌 ,抑菌圈直径达 2 9.7mm。接种试验表明 ,Y2 - 1 1 - 1对番茄叶片和果实灰霉病的防效分别达 6 8.7%和 75 .0 %。部分菌株对其他重要植物病原真菌也有一定的拮抗作用。
bacterial isolates were obtained from root soil system, root and leaf of 16 kinds of vegetables at Yangzhou and Huaiyin area of Jiangsu The bacterial isolates against Botrytis cinerea Pers ex Fr were screened by the inhibition zone method 58 isolates showed antagonistic effect on B cinerea and the inhibition zone diameter ranged from 6 5mm to 29 7mm The isolate Y 2 11 1 had the strongest and stable inhibiting activity against the pathogen and was identified as Bacillus sp The infection of the pathogen was decreased to 68 7%-75 0% by spraying the cell suspension of Y 2 11 1 and the pathogen suspension on the leaves and fruits of tomato respectively The inhibition of some isolates against other pathogens was investigated
Chinese Journal of Biological Control
江苏省教委自然科学基金!(JW970 10 )