
追寻著作权保护与权利限制的平衡——图书馆界对《著作权法》修改草案的建议与期盼 被引量:39

Seeking Balance between Copyright Protection and Limitation of the Rights:The Suggestions and Anticipation of the Library Community to the Draft Revision of Copyright Law
摘要 我国《著作权法》第三次修订工作于2011年7月启动,2012年3月国家版权局发布《著作权法》修改草案第一稿,面向社会征求意见。全国图书馆界积极行动,结合实际,认真研讨,发现其中的不足有:舍弃了多个公益非营利网络传播适用的权利限制条款;信息网络传播权限制条款仍由国务院法规制定,没有由《著作权法》统一整合;没有采纳图书馆界提出的为非营利公益图书馆利用网络收集、保存、传播受著作权保护作品设置豁免条款的建议。图书馆界提出了一系列改进建议,并以书面形式上报文化部和国家版权局。2012年7月,修改草案第二稿公布,部分回应了图书馆界提出的设置合理使用兜底条款的建议,但未从根本上解决权利保护与权利限制失衡的问题,而且搁置了当代《著作权法》修订无法回避的信息网络传播权保护与限制条款的系统整合问题。图书馆界希望《著作权法》的修订落实独立性、平衡性和国际性三项基本原则,以保障著作权人利益与公众利益的平衡。 The third revision of the Copyright Law in China was launched in July 2011, and the first draft of the revision of the Copyright Law was released in March 2012 by the National Copyright Administration for seeking advice from the public. Tak- ing active action and integrating with practice, the library community across the nation has identified some deficiencies in this draft: abandoning several provisions of right limitation applicable to non-profit Intemet communication; the provision of limiting the right of communication in information networks (RCIN)is still promulgated by administrative regulation of the State Council and not integrated into Cotryright Law; the proposal of the library community to set exemption clause for collecting, preserving and disseminating copyrighted works via Intemet by non-profit library not being adopted. Thus the library community put forward a series of improving suggestions in written form and submit to Ministry of Culture and National Copyright Administration. In July 2012, the second draft has been published. This draft partly responded to the suggestion of setting a miscellaneous provision for fare use put forward by library community, but didn't settle the problem of imbalance between right protection and right limitation fundamentally, and laid aside the problem of provision integration between protecting and limiting RCIN which couldn't be avoi- ded in revising Copyright Law. Finally, this paper points out the anticipation of the library community that the revision of Copy- r/ght Law should follow three basic principles of independence, balance and internationalization to protect the interest balance between copyright owners and the public. 4 refs.
作者 肖燕
机构地区 清华大学图书馆
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期18-24,共7页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 《著作权法》 修改草案 图书馆 修订建议 Copyright law. Draft revision. Libraries. Revision suggestion.
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  • 1柳斌杰.《著作权法》修订要面向时代面向世界面向未来[EB/OL].[2011-08-26].http://news.ra'nhuanet.corn/legal/2011-07/25/e121717694.htm.
  • 2王自强.《著作权法》第三次修订回顾[EB/OL].[2012-11-06].http://www.chinaxwcb.com/2012一lI/06/con-tent_256106.htm.
  • 3国家科学图书馆与中国图书馆学会共同研讨《著作权法(修改草案)》[EB/OL].[2012-04-26].http://www.1as.cas.en/xwzx/zyxw/201204/t20120423_3561235.html.
  • 4国家版权局.关于《中华人民共和国著作权法》(修改草案第二稿)修改和完善的简要说明[EB/OL].[2012-11-06].http://www.ncac.gov.cn/cfn&/htHlL/309/35吆/2012∞/759779.html.












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