介绍了利用一组干涉滤光片来实现在线检测光电阴极积分灵敏度和光谱灵敏度的一种方法。这种方法可具体描述为 :一组干涉滤光片由直流电机带动 ,按每周 40 ms的稳定转速在光路中高速旋转 ,产生的单色光按波长序列投射到光电阴极面上 ,从而产生一组光谱序列的单色光电流。这些光电流经放大、A/ D转换进入计算机 ,并经过计算在计算机屏幕上显示光电流、暗电流和光谱响应曲线。最后还讨论了排除 5 0
One way which the integral sensitivity and the spectrum sensitivity of the photo cathode are detected by using a set of filters is introduced A set of filters is driven by motor, and the axis of motor at high speed (40ms/per cycle) in the light path, producing a set of monochromatic lights is transmitted on the photo cathode surface, and to make photo cathode produces a set of monochromatic photo currents The photo currents are amplified and transformed by A/D before writing into computer And then the photo current,dark current and spectrum characteristic curve are displayed on the screen of a computer Finally, the ways to overcome interference of the 50Hz and to improve the detecting precision are discussed
Optical Technique