目的案例教学法(case-based teaching method,CTM)打破了实验动物学传统教学模式以教师为中心,以课本为中心的课堂填鸭式的讲授,调动了学生的学习主动性和创造性,从实践出发,理论联系实际,可培养学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,实现鱼渔兼得。方法根据教学内容的不同要求,采用案例展示的方式组织学生学习讨论,实现以问题为中心的学习。结果案例教学使学生综合利用所学知识,主动学习新的知识和培养解决问题的能力;因案例生动、深刻、具体的实践背景,能激发学生的学习兴趣和活跃的课堂气氛,从而提高教学效率。结论实验动物质量控制是一个复杂的管理体系,我们将典型案例分析教学法引入实验动物质量控制教学课程中,获得了良好的效果。
Objective Application of Case-based teaching method (CTM) in the class of Experimental Animal Quality Control aims to break the traditional teacher-centered and textbook- centered teaching model, to invoke students' interest and creativity hy integrating practice and theory, and to cultivate their capacity in identifying, analyzing and solving problems. Methods According to different requirements of teaching contents, students were organized to discuss practical cases about quality control of experimental animals through problem-centered learning style. Results Studentsr capacity was enhanced in terms of problem solving with acquired knowledge, and the ability to pursue new knowledge, the intriguing and vivid cases stimulated students~ interest, activated classroom atmosphere, and helped improve teaching efficiency. Conclusion Experimental animal quality control is a complicated system; Case-based teaching method leads to higher efficacy of the course of Experimental Animal Quality Control.
Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management
Experimental animal quality control Case-based teaching method Teachingreform