
浙江航运金融发展对策研究 被引量:2

Study on the Development Strategy of Zhejiang Shipping Finance
摘要 航运业与金融业之间相互联系、相互影响,航运业的发展离不开金融支持。当前,浙江航运业不景气,对金融的需求更加迫切,文章试图根据浙江省实际数据定量分析浙江省航运业与金融业之间的因果关系,以期找出航运金融发展迟缓的原因。样本数据采用两组反映1978-2011年浙江省航运业与金融业发展状况的年度数据进行协整检验以及Granger因果检验,得出浙江省航运业与金融业不存在长期均衡关系以及航运业的变动是金融业变动的Granger原因的结论。文章认为应依靠港口和航线的自然条件,集中发展区域航运金融,加深航运业与金融业的对接,提高金融对航运的服务意识和服务力度等。 The shipping industry and financial industry are interrelated and mutually influence,the shipping industry's development is inseparable from the financial support. At present,due to the downturn of the shipping industry in Zhejiang Province,shipping industry needs more financial services. This article attempted to take a causality test on the shipping industry and the financial industry according to the existing data of Zhejiang Province,in order to find out the reasons for the slow development of shipping finance. There are two groups of sample data for analysis period 1978 to 2011 which reflected the development of shipping industry and financial industry in Zhejiang Province,after cointegration test and Granger causality test,conclusions were drawn as follows: there is no long-run equilibrium relationship between shipping industry and financial industry in Zhejiang Province and changes in the shipping industry is the Granger cause changes in the financial industry. Finally,according to the results of empirical analysis,it put forward some policy suggestions,such as we should rely on the port and route of the natural conditions and pay much attention to the development of regional financial shipping,strengthen shipping industry and financial industry cooperation,improve the consciousness and intensity of financial services to the shipping industry etc.
机构地区 浙江万里学院
出处 《浙江万里学院学报》 2013年第2期29-36,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
基金 2012年度浙江省软科学研究计划项目"浙江省航运企业发展中金融支持的研究"(编号:2012C35010)
关键词 航运业 金融业 GRANGER因果检验 shipping industry financial industry the Granger causality test
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